57 lines
1.3 KiB
57 lines
1.3 KiB
## By the end of the book I want to have an interpreter
## for this little language, maybe a compiler too
print(1 + 1) ## 2
print("Hello world!") ## Hello world
name <- read()
print("Hi there $name") ## Hi there <name>
have <- 10
want <- 11
need <- have - want ## This is subtraction
have-want <- 1 ## This is a variable named "have-want"
print HaVe-WAnt ## 1 (case doesn't matter)
%%option meaningful-casing
Apples <- 1
print apples ## <undef> (or maybe it does)
print("one fish"); print("two fish") ## Two variables on the same line
say-hi <- -> print("Hi from inside a function")
say-hi() ## Hi from inside a function
say-hi-again <- say-hi
say-hi-again() ## "Hi from inside a function" (First class functions!)
duck <- {
bills <- 1
talk <- -> print("Quack")
eats? <- food -> food = "bread"
} ## Objects created on the fly
print duck.eats?("bread") ## true
print duck.eats?("corn") ## false
cow <- {
talk <- print("Moo")
eats? <- food -> food oneof "grass", "corn"
human <- {
eats? <- _ -> true
print cow.eats?("grass") ## true
print cow.eats?("corn") ## true
talk-or-pass-wind <- character ->
if character has talk then
talk-or-pass-wind(duck) ## "Quack"
talk-or-pass-wind(cow) ## "Moo"
talk-or-pass-wind(human) ## "*Fart*" |