more cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Dane Johnson 2024-11-18 21:45:10 -06:00
parent f2b0e38464
commit 488d7b1edb
2 changed files with 1 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ i <- 1
loop until i > 10
i <- 1
## Loops

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@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
program := __* stmt*
stmt := assignment /
funcall stop /
conditional /
loop /
expr stop
expr := - _ expr /
expr "+" _ expr /
expr "-" - expr /
expr "*" _ expr /
expr "/" _ expr /
"(" _ expr ")" /
['"'] ((!['"'] [_] / #"\""#)*) ['"'] /
funcall /
fundef /
boolean /
id /
boolean := ("true" / "false") _
id := letter (letter / digit / ['?'|'.'|'-'])* _
num := (digit+ "."? digit* / "." digit+) _
assignment := id "<-" _ expr stop
funcall := id "(" _ expr ** ("," _) ")" _
funcdef := id? "->" _ block
conditional := if __* elif* __* else? __*
if := "if" _ expr block
elif := "elif" _ expr block
else := "else" _ block
loop := "loop" _ (until / over / block)
until := "until" _ expr block
over := "over"_ id "in" _ expr block
block := expr / indented_block
indented_block := stop indent __* stmt+ dedent
letter := ['A'..='Z'] / ['a'..='z']
digit := ['0'..='9']
stop := __+ / eof
indent := ">>>"
dedent := "<<<"
_ := ['\t'|' ']*
__ := comment? newline / comment &eof
comment := "#" (!newline [_])* &(newline / eof)
newline := "\r\n" \ "\r" \ "\n"
eof := ![_]