  Dane Johnson <dane@danejohnson.org>
  Couch  Copyright (C) 2021 Dane Johnson

  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; without event the
  See the GNU General Public License for details at
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
nnn  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
  or (at your option) any later version.
  Lights provide lighting to a scene. They can be colored and support
  ambient, diffuse, and specular properties.
#include "Light.h"

Vector3 Light::GetColor() {
  return color;

void Light::SetColor(Vector3 color) {
  this->color = color;

float Light::GetAmbient() {
  return ambient;

void Light::SetAmbient(float ambient) {
  this->ambient = ambient;

float Light::GetDiffuse() {
  return diffuse;

void Light::SetDiffuse(float diffuse) {
  this->diffuse = diffuse;

float Light::GetSpecular() {
  return specular;

void Light::SetSpecular(float specular) {
  this->specular = specular;

Light *Light::Duplicate() {
  Light *light = static_cast<Light*>(Spatial::Duplicate());
  light->color = color;
  light->ambient = ambient;
  light->diffuse = diffuse;
  light->specular = specular;

  return light;

Light *Light::Instance() {
  return static_cast<Light*>(Node::Instance());

Light *Light::Create() {
  return new Light;

Name Light::GetType() const {return "Light";}

DirectionalLight::DirectionalLight() {
  this->direction = Vector3(0.0f);
  this->color = Vector3(0.0f);
  this->ambient = 0.0f;
  this->diffuse = 0.0f;
  this->specular = 0.0f;

DirectionalLight::DirectionalLight(Vector3 direction, Vector3 color, float ambient, float diffuse, float specular) {
  this->direction = direction;
  this->color = color;
  this->ambient = ambient;
  this->diffuse = diffuse;
  this->specular = specular;

Vector3 DirectionalLight::GetDirection() {
  return direction;

void DirectionalLight::SetDirection(Vector3 direction) {
  this->direction = direction;

DirectionalLight *DirectionalLight::Create() {
  return new DirectionalLight;

DirectionalLight *DirectionalLight::Duplicate() {
  DirectionalLight *directionalLight = static_cast<DirectionalLight*>(Light::Duplicate());
  directionalLight->direction = direction;

  return directionalLight;

DirectionalLight *DirectionalLight::Instance() {
  return static_cast<DirectionalLight*>(Node::Instance());

Name DirectionalLight::GetType() const {return "DirectionalLight";}

PointLight::PointLight() {
  this->radius = 0.0f;
  this->color = Vector3(0.0f);
  this->ambient = 0.0f;
  this->diffuse = 0.0f;
  this->specular = 0.0f;

PointLight::PointLight(float radius, Vector3 color, float ambient, float diffuse, float specular) {
  this->radius = radius;
  this->color = color;
  this->ambient = ambient;
  this->diffuse = diffuse;
  this->specular = specular;

float PointLight::GetRadius() {
  return radius;

void PointLight::SetRadius(float radius) {
  this->radius = radius;

PointLight *PointLight::Create() {
  return new PointLight;

PointLight *PointLight::Duplicate() {
  PointLight *pointLight = static_cast<PointLight*>(Light::Duplicate());
  pointLight->radius = radius;

  return pointLight;

PointLight *PointLight::Instance() {
  return static_cast<PointLight*>(Node::Instance());

Name PointLight::GetType() const {return "PointLight";}