local ball local camera local LEFT = 263 local RIGHT = 262 local UP = 265 local DOWN = 264 local Q = 81 local vx = 0.0 local vz = 0.0 local ballvy = -1.0 local cam_rot_x = 0.0 function init() camera = couch.Camera() camera:MakeCurrent() camera.transform:Translate(0.0, 0.0, 10.0) ball = couch.Ball() ball:SetupMesh() couch.AddMeshToList(ball) ball1 = couch.Ball() ball1:SetupMesh() couch.AddMeshToList(ball1) ball1.transform:Translate(0.0, 3.0, 0.0) end function update(delta) camera.transform:Translate(vx * delta, 0.0, vz * delta) camera.transform.rotation.y = camera.transform.rotation.y + cam_rot_x * delta local loc = ball1.transform.position if loc.y > 4.0 then ballvy = -1.0 elseif loc.y < 2.0 then ballvy = 1.0 end ball1.transform.position.y = ball1.transform.position.y + ballvy * delta ball.transform.rotation.z = ball.transform.rotation.z + 1.0 * delta; ball.transform.rotation.y = ball.transform.rotation.y + 1.0 * delta; ball.transform.rotation.x = ball.transform.rotation.x + 1.0 * delta; end function onkey(key, code, action, mod) print(key, code, action, mod) if key == LEFT and action == 1 then vx = -1.0 elseif key == RIGHT and action == 1 then vx = 1.0 elseif (key == LEFT or key == RIGHT) and action == 0 then vx = 0.0 end if key == UP and action == 1 then vz = -1.0 elseif key == DOWN and action == 1 then vz = 1.0 elseif (key == DOWN or key == UP) and action == 0 then vz = 0.0 end if key == Q then if action == 1 then cam_rot_x = 1.0 elseif action == 0 then cam_rot_x = 0.0 end end end