   @author Dane Johnson <dane@danejohnson.org>
   @section LICENSE
   Couch  Copyright (C) 2021 Dane Johnson

   This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; without event the
   See the GNU General Public License for details at
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
   or (at your option) any later version.
   @section DESCRIPTION
   A spatial is a node with a transform property, i.e. position, scale or rotation.
   They can be instanced on the scene tree as an anchor for some other nodes.
#ifndef SPATIAL_H
#define SPATIAL_H

#include "types.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include "Transform.h"

   Spatial nodes have a transform property. They can be subclassed or instanced
   as an anchor for their children.
class Spatial : public Node {
  virtual Name GetType() const;

     Gets the transform property of this spatial
     @return The transform
  Transform GetTransform();
     Sets the transform property of this spatial.
     @param transform The transform property
  void SetTransform(Transform transform);
     Gets the translation with relation to the world origin
     @returns the global transform
  Transform GetGlobalTransform();
     Sets the transform with relation to the world origin
     @param globalTransform The global transform property
  void SetGlobalTransform(Transform globalTransform);

     Directly translates the spatial by offset
     @param offset The offset of the transform operation
  virtual void Translate(Vector3 offset);
     Rotates the Camera phi radians about the X axis
     @param phi The amount to rotate in radians
  void RotateX(float phi);
     Rotates the Camera phi radians about the Y axis
     @param phi The amount to rotate in radians
  void RotateY(float phi);
     Rotates the Camera phi radians about the Z axis
     @param phi The amount to rotate in radians
  void RotateZ(float phi);
     Scales the spatial by scale uniformly
     @param scale The amount to scale by.
  void UniformScale(float scale);
  virtual Spatial *Create();
  virtual Spatial *Duplicate();  
  virtual Spatial *Instance();
  Transform transform;

#endif /* SPATIAL_H */