20 lines
651 B
20 lines
651 B
In compliance with Section 6, Subsection B of the GPLv3, under which this software is licensed, the corresponding sources
are available from the following locations.
The Couch Game Engine: Wherever you received this program
The OpenGL Extension Wrangler (GLEW): glew.sourceforge.net
GLFW: www.glfw.org
The LUA Programming Language and Runtime Libraries: www.lua.org
Bullet Physics Library: github.com/bulletphysics
The Open-Asset-Importer-Lib (ASSIMP): assimp.org
GCC Libraries (libgcc, libstdc++, libssp): gcc.gnu.org
If you are unable to procure sources from one or more of these servers,
contact me via email "dane AT danejohnson DOT org".