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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
572726df7c Restructure, add laf 2023-11-26 12:22:56 -06:00
7342f6dbc8 Subscribe to game loop, UI now does (yoda I am) 2023-11-21 17:02:09 -06:00
3 changed files with 58 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
:license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
[seesaw "1.5.0"]]
[seesaw "1.5.0"]
[com.formdev/flatlaf "3.2.5"]]
:main ^:skip-aot age-of-sail.core
:target-path "target/%s"
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
(ns age-of-sail.core
(:require [age-of-sail.vec2 :refer :all]
(:require [age-of-sail.simulation :refer :all]
[age-of-sail.vec2 :refer :all]
[seesaw.core :refer :all]
[seesaw.bind :as b]
[clojure.math :as math]))
[seesaw.bind :as b])
(:import com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatDarculaLaf))
(def tickrate 100)
(def hardcoded-wind [0.1 3.0]) ;; A strong easternly wind!
(defonce ships (atom []))
@ -49,53 +49,38 @@
(doseq [ship ships]
(-> ship (physics-step hardcoded-wind))))
;; Simulation controls
(defonce program (atom :stopped))
(defn game-loop
(while (#{:running :paused} @program)
(when (= :running @program)
(tick @ships))
(Thread/sleep (quot 1000 tickrate)))
(when-not (compare-and-set! program :killed :stopped)
(throw "Error: tried to stop a program that wasn't killed!")))
(defn pause-program
(compare-and-set! program :running :paused))
(defn kill-program
(compare-and-set! program :running :paused)
(compare-and-set! program :paused :killed))
(defn start-program
(when (= (first (reset-vals! program :running)) :stopped)
(.start (Thread. game-loop))))
(subscribe! #(tick @ships))
;; UI
(defn ignore-args
(fn [& _] (f)))
(def tracked-ship (atom nil))
(def ship-pos (b/notify-later))
(defn update-pos
(let [ship @tracked-ship]
(when ship
(b/notify ship-pos (:position @ship)))))
(subscribe! update-pos)
(defn simulation-controls
(let [start-button (button :text "Start" :listen [:mouse-clicked (ignore-args start-program)])
pause-button (button :text "Pause" :listen [:mouse-clicked (ignore-args pause-program)])
kill-button (button :text "Kill" :listen [:mouse-clicked (ignore-args kill-program)])]
kill-button (button :text "Kill" :listen [:mouse-clicked (ignore-args kill-program)])]
(letfn [(start-enabled? [state] (contains? #{:stopped :paused} state))
(pause-enabled? [state] (= :running state))
(kill-enabled? [state] (contains? #{:running :paused} state))]
(kill-enabled? [state] (contains? #{:running :paused} state))]
(b/bind program (b/tee
(b/bind (b/transform start-enabled?) (b/property start-button :enabled?))
(b/bind (b/transform pause-enabled?) (b/property pause-button :enabled?))
(b/bind (b/transform kill-enabled?) (b/property kill-button :enabled?))))
(b/bind (b/transform kill-enabled?) (b/property kill-button :enabled?))))
(config! start-button :enabled? (start-enabled? @program))
(config! pause-button :enabled? (pause-enabled? @program))
(config! kill-button :enabled? (kill-enabled? @program))
(config! kill-button :enabled? (kill-enabled? @program))
(horizontal-panel :items [start-button pause-button kill-button]))))
(defn ship-chooser
@ -106,16 +91,14 @@
(flow-panel :items ["Ship Name" name])))
(defn format-position
(apply format "X: %.2f Y: %.2f" (:position @ship)))
[[x y]]
(format "X: %.2f Y: %.2f" x y))
(defn ship-info
(let [panel (vertical-panel :visible? false)
position (label)]
(b/bind tracked-ship (b/some identity)
(b/bind (b/transform format-position) (b/value position))))
(b/bind ship-pos (b/transform format-position) (b/property position :text))
(add! panel (flow-panel :items ["Position" position]))
@ -134,6 +117,7 @@
(defn -main

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(ns age-of-sail.simulation)
(def tickrate 100)
(def hooks (atom '()))
(defn subscribe!
"Adds a hook to the hooks"
(swap! hooks conj f))
(defonce program (atom :stopped))
(defn game-loop
(while (#{:running :paused} @program)
(when (= :running @program)
(doseq [hook @hooks]
(Thread/sleep (quot 1000 tickrate)))
(when-not (compare-and-set! program :killed :stopped)
(throw "Error: tried to stop a program that wasn't killed!")))
(defn pause-program
(compare-and-set! program :running :paused))
(defn kill-program
(compare-and-set! program :running :paused)
(compare-and-set! program :paused :killed))
(defn start-program
(when (= (first (reset-vals! program :running)) :stopped)
(.start (Thread. game-loop))))